Marigold Guidelines

Visual Identity
Art Direction

With a new and unified vision for Marigold's product portfolio, our brand guidelines are a huge first step in aligning a global company with a shared vision for the future.








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Historically, our products have operated independently with distinct branding and voices. Our previous umbrella brand took a back seat to the product's branding for years. But with a new company strategy that unifies the product portfolio, we needed a fully developed parent brand to lead with.

The project aims to create a distinct new identity system without losing touch with our existing customer base. So once our lovely agency partner handed off the logo files and an introductory package of colors and shapes, the rest was up to us to refine and run with.

While developing the brand guidelines, I consulted with leadership and cross-functional partners to ensure alignment and understanding.

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I've led the development of long-form content templates, presentation templates, modular design systems for email + web, and libraries of brand graphics to support the ongoing extension of our parent brand across the entire portfolio of products.

Our goal as a creative team is to enable self-service across as many teams as possible to maximize our impact and work as efficiently as possible. We continue to tweak and explore new ways of expressing the brand.

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