Emma Brand Design

Visual Identity
Art Direction
Web Design

Emma is an email marketing platform that educates and encourages marketers at all levels to be their best. As Art Director, I maintain design standards across all of our marketing materials, including email, video, website, ads, and more.








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The Emma brand had grown over time and accumulated too many styles, an outdated code base, and inconsistent structures. Because Emma had experienced several brand refreshes and the product features became more sophisticated, it became obvious that the brand visuals needed to be re-aligned to a single vision going forward.

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As Art Director, I led the charge to unify all of the design assets and content. While addressing this, I managed several resource and time constraints.

This project required on-going consultation with multiple stakeholders and alignment across product and marketing leadership. My work on Emma thus far has included web design, product illustration, video production and direction, email design, content / ebook design, and advertising.

A key piece of re-aligning the brand was the creation of an identity system that was flexible enough to develop product graphics, use-case brands, and illustrations. A palette that had previously included less than ten colors was expanded to include a wide range of tints and shades that integrated existing colors versus replacing them (therefore avoiding another round of tech debt).

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Having a single source of truth (check out the Design System project!) helped streamline website updates, increase consistency, and reduce the guesswork of color combinations while designing.

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Other work

Want to create something awesome? Drop me an email.

→ hello@noellegrimes.com